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dukung busway transjakarta hebat

Asli, akhir2 ini saya semakin gelisah, gundah gulana, menderita, terharu huhuhu… (hahahaha.. ..) ada apa ini, ada apa… (dgn logat jawa)

Pro Kontra Busway semakin menghangat. Jalanan yg semakin Macet dijkt akhir2 dituding karena pembangunan Busway. Sampe2 warga Elit Pondok Indah nuntut Pemerintah sgalaaaa… halahhh halahhhhh… plis deh… Trus waktu ujian CB4 kemarin, halahhh dpt soal ttg busway lagih.. penat lah saya, dan tangan pegel ga karuan.. nulis sampe ngantuk…

I’ll explain my opinion by the facts&analytical thinking than desire and feelling

Let’s we think first. Busway supposed to be the solution of the traffic congestion in the future. Y? coz, people ‘ll be force to convert using mass rapid transport aka busway from their own gasoline vehicle.!! Reasearch by The Indonesian Transportation Society said that in 2014, even there are no one escape from their gates (TOTAL CONGESTION!!). Meanwhile recent Reasearch from The Japan International Cooperation Agency proved that around 14percents of Busway passangers was previously car users.

If we calculate how many people busway can move and comparing with how many vehicle use by the others. Lets assume the capacity of Busway is 80passngers with dimensions 10x4M, it will consume 40SquareM for 80people. And then our car 5x2M = 10SqM with 7 passangers => (10x4 = 40SqM) with 7x4 = (28passangers). 7people x 11 = 77. The fact here is that with more efficent space, busway can move more people than our cars. and ofcourse energy eficient. It only use one bus than 11 cars.

In terms of fuel, busway is the most environment friendly, it use LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) no more smoke again, and then compare with the others (you, mikrolet, metromini, PPD, etc) use Diesel ? Methane ? Bio-Diesel ? or Gasoline ? oh man, wat a pollutant..

So it become clear that busway is the solution. I’m proud with the 14percents, they are really heroes for me. They save the air from pollution. save the world, and stop global warming.

Safety, speed, facility, Busway is good as well. Safety, definitely safe!! there are no any pengamen, pencopet, pengemis, everything was secured by the crews. Speed.. ohhh of course dont ask me why,,.. special path gitu loh… The Facilities?.. PLease jalan2 dong ah,, all of Halte was equiped with Free Internet Hotpot waduh, asik sangadh… ajip. You can connect in radious of 30M from the halte (siap2 bawa tikar, gelar di samping haltenya) ga percaya ?? these are the pictures

hotspot Ga takut jatoh tuh laptopnya? pede banget nih di poto internetan ngecek binusmaya : duh,, yaaahh.... ga offclass ternyata, harus bru2 titip absen nih :p

Not only the hotspot, now there are some internet kiosks for free, in the trial period you can only access it at Dukuh Atas Halte. Wow keren, udah kya di Luarnegeri ajah yaa.. sip..

Gmana ?? ayoo dong dukung busway, ga penting mau sutiyoso, foke, atau siapa kek gubernurnya, yg penting busway jalan trusss… Yang bwt macet bkn busway but org2 yg tiap hari punya duit utk beli bensin yang cuma bwt polusi udara saja. Kalo skrg macet karna pembangunannya wajar lah, bisa dimaklumi tinggal tugas kita gmana mengawasi pelanggaran dan memeberi masukan pemerintah agar progam ini berjalan lancar.

BUKAN dngan cara head to head, kya warga PONDOK INDAH.. aduh… please dong think globally, utamakan hablum minannas nya.. apalagi waktu diacaranya Repblik Mimpi hari jumat minggu lalu, duhhh,,, katro banget deh, mereka, kampungan lebih tpt lah kira.. warga elit yg ternyata tidak berpendidikan krna tidak tahu cara berdemokrasi, menghargai pendapat org lain, masa penelepon yg dukung busway diteriaki “Booooo” / “Huuuuu”, trus narasumber dri pemda baru bicara dikit disoraki juga… plis deh sopan, penonton paling katro yg pernah dilihat.